Parenting and Spanking

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(04-07-2018, 07:48 AM)Frankie Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry, but the UK is not about to ban spanking.

Only Scotland is, and this should be seen as part of the Nationalist Party (in goverment) nibbling away at the things which unite the UK. They have also just introduced their own version of Income Tax, which is going to be a nightmare for people who work on both sides of the "border" who it seems will need to submit two tax returns, with Scotland having 5 tax bands compared with the rest of the UK's 3.

Think of Catalonia/Catalunya and Spain.

Precisely. The move is more of a way of trying to say "we are not part of the UK" than it is the UK trying to ban spanking/smacking.
This is very puzzling. I don't know why government would interfere with raising of children. I am afraid of maybe in my lifetime it will be band in the US, but we as a family will practice Biblical discipline in the rearing of our boys.
The anti spankers argue that spanking is abusive. Certainly if you injure a child it is physical abuse. I guess it could be abusive if the child is harmed psychologically by being spanked. I don’t think however this has ever been scientifically proven though there has been some research done finding a correlation between corporal punishment and mental health problems. Personally I believe if you spank in a loving and caring way your child will not suffer as a result. Of course there are many variables when it come to spanking but I feel the relationship between the parent or child care giver is the most important factor. I doubt in the UK or North America spanking will be ever banned certainly not in my life time.
What gives anti-spankers juice for a complete ban is of course those cases where harm is done, mostly the immediate harm is visible, what is harder to spot, the long term mental harm that happens in some cases.

I support the view that moderate spanking given in a 'loving' manner is probably not harmful, the trouble is that this criteria cannot be judged, what might be 'moderate' and 'loving' in one home may not be in another, it is a hard one to call. I think all here would support 'moderate' and 'loving' punishment, so this development should act as a warning (not that we should need it) that moderation is all.

The practical steps we can take it never to spank in anger and think long and hard about any sort of humiliation in any punishment.

In Canada spankings are suppose to be only symbolic. In other words they are not suppose to cause undue distress or discomfort to the child. I have no problem with this as long as the spanking is firm enough or significant enough to deter future misbehaviour. This can vary with the personality of the child and of course for some children spankings are inappropriate or undesirable. Again an empathetic parent can usually determine what is in the best interest for their child.
I think the situation in Scotland was due to a vote trade off.
The green party gave support and thus votes to a cause that the big party wanted to get voted through ; and the spanking ban was the price they asked for.

Regards Bs
I think it’s crazy that they want to ban spanking. Of course child abuse is bad but guess what my parents spank me they don’t abuse me. I’m scared of getting spanked because I disappointed them and I know it’s gonna hurt for a little while but as soon as Daddy helps me pull my pants back on I am his good girl again and all is forgiven.

I wonder if one of the variables the researchers studied was the after spanking snuggles. Probably not. Yes my bottom stings but sitting on Daddy’s lap while we talk is the best thing in the entire world. My parents love me enough to want to make sure that I am raised right and they love me enough to corrct me when I misbehave and give me lots of love before during and especially after. I know that during a spanking it sure doesn’t feel like any love on my bottom but I know that’s what it is. Why else would they do it? I know Daddy doesn’t like it when he has to punish me or my sister. He tells me that every time when we cuddle after a spanking. I bet every single person who makes sure to show their children love and cuddles after a spanking is doing the right thing.

Science thinks they know everything but you can’t just study some people and say it applies to everyone. That’s crazy. I know that and I’m a high school girl. But these government men think they know so much better. I’m sorry if they were abused as kids and that’s why they are doing this but I guarantee that if they had my kind of spankings there would not be this ban. The US better not outlaw spanking cuz my parents are not only teaching me how to behave and turn into a responsible grown up but also how to raise a family. I want my children to have a childhood like mine with lots of love, and if they earn it, yes they will be spanked.
Also oh my gosh what did I just write. It looks like it’s saying spankings are good. No, no, I didn’t really mean it! Let’s ban them in the US until I get married lol
As Shakespeare said “Nothing is good or bad. It is your thinking that makes it so”. I guess spankings can be both. They are bad because I’m afraid they can sometimes lead to abuse. This however happens rarely from my own experience. They are good because it is a bonding experience between parent and child. It is normal to have mixed feelings about spanking your children or being spanked. The more you can just witness those feelings rather than make up a story around them the better. In other words just be aware and present in the moment when they occur. Peace and gratitude will be your reward!
ugh Mr Garth there you go again with all those smart words. Im gonna have to think about them.
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