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Allowing Suffering
Most of the people I know are depressed. I don't mean the kind of depression that needs psychiatric attention though I do know people who are on medication for depression and are seeing a counsellor or therapist. I myself have never been clinically depressed but have had periods of sadness like everyone. When people confide in me that they are feeling depressed my first reaction is to try to cheer them up. It is hard for me to just sit back and listen in a state of Presence without trying to solve their problems. I am learning however that is all they really want. Just a time to ventilate and know someone cares. I guess if you truly are a compassionate being you will allow suffering to be and truly know behind the clouds the sun always shines. This I call faith. This is the light that shines through us all no matter how dreadful our life situation may appear. All we have to do is surrender and say yes to our suffering and the light will always dissolve the darkness. As the Buddha said enlightenment ends all suffering or as the crucification of Christ symbolizes when he rises from the dead.
I've seen suffering and experienced depression a lot lately. My grandmother died in February at the age of 96. My grandfather's health is failing and he might not live to see his next birthday. But at least I can be thankful that they both lived a long life.
Death is sad. But if you believe in the after life, it can be transformed into joy and peace.

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